Tool Permissions Prerequisites
Login permissions from the server running the Octopai Client to the Qlik Sense Server (User and password with permissions to the Qlik Sense REST API, which needs to be enabled, and permissions to all apps you wish to extract).
Read Permission for Octopai Windows NT User on Qlik Sense Log files folder (Default location for log files:C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Script).
Allocated licensed user with permissions to streams you would like analyzed by Octopai, use the following steps if needed:
Create Custom property Creating a custom property ‒ Qlik Sense for administrators
Name ‘Octopai_Group'
Resource type - ‘Users’, ‘Streams’
Value 'Octopai’
Assign Property ‘Octopai_ Group' and value 'Octopai’ to each stream you would like Octopai to analyze.
Assign Property ‘Octopai_ Group' and value 'Octopai’ to the user that will be used for extraction
Add Security rule Creating security rules ‒ Qlik Sense for administrators
Name - Octopai_Stream_Rule
Resource filter - Stream_*
Action - Read
Condition - ((user.@Octopai_Group=resource.@Octopai_Group))
Proxy port values most contain default values Editing proxies ‒ Qlik Sense for administrators
Service listen port HTTPS (default) - 443
Authentication listen port - 4244
REST API listen port - 4243
How to allocate a user in Qlik Sense
The allocated user is necessary for a successful extraction from Qlik Sense
You will need:
Login permissions from the server running the Octopai Client to the Qlik Sense Server (User and password with permissions to the Qlik Sense REST API, which needs to be enabled and permissions to all apps you would like to extract).
Read Permission for Octopai Windows NT User on Qlik Sense Log files folder.
Default location for log files :C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Script
Dedicated Header Authentication
instructions on Configuring header authentication can be found here Example: Configuring header authentication | Qlik Sense for developers Help
You can use the following to grant an allocated user permission to all relevant streams:
Create Custom property Creating a custom property | Qlik Sense for administrators Help
Name ‘Octopai_Group'
Resource type - ‘Users’, ‘Streams’
Value 'Octopai’
Assign Property ‘Octopai_ Group' and value 'Octopai’ to each stream you would like Octopai to analyze.
Assign Property ‘Octopai_ Group' and value 'Octopai’ to the user that will be used for extraction
Add Security rule Creating security rules ‒ Qlik Sense for administrators
Name - Octopai_Stream_Rule
Action - Read
Condition User@Octopai_Group = #Stream@Octopai_Group
Setting up Qlik Sense Metadata Source
Metadata Sources are set on the Octopai Client (OC)
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