How to set up SSO authentication for Octopai using OKTA
- Login to OKTA with the Admin User of your OKTA instance
- Click on “Applications” in top menu (2)
- Click on “Create New App” (3)
- The window ‘‘Create New Application Integration’’ opens up. (4)
- Select the Sign on method ‘’OpenID Connect’’ (5)
- Fill all parameters/fields in screen below (Note: The “Login redirect URIs “and “Logout redirect URIs“ must be same as your Octopai app URL) (6)
- Click on ‘’Save’’ to complete creation of new application connection (7)
- Click on “Edit” (8)
- Choose Allowed grant type “Implicit (Hybrid)” (9)
- Check the “Allow ID Token with implicit grant type” box and click on “save” (10)
- Click on “← Back to Applications” (11)
- Client ID Authorization | Okta
- OKTA Redirect URI Authorization | Okta
- OKTA Issuer
- SSO well-known (Metadata URI) - under Security > API > Authorization server > Edit > Settings > Metadata URI
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