With the Octopai Client, you will be able to extract metadata from your tools and upload them to the Octopai Cloud.
An instance should be installed in a VM only once.
Please, read carefully the prerequisites.
OC Application
- Metada Sources
- Upload Files to Octopai
- Contact Support
- Send Logs to Octopai
- Update License
- Application Folders
- Info & Settings
- List of Connectors
- Tools List
Metadata Sources
Main panel having the out-of-the-box connections in the purchased license.
Upload Files to Octopai
Share files with Octopai - (Only zip files are accepted)
When the Upload is completed, it will be displayed on your Portal
Contact Support
It will open the mail service to send an email to support@octopai.com
Send logs to Octopai
In case you will be requested to, logs will be helpful to solve some issues.
Clicking on the icon, you will send to Octopai the last logs to be analyzed by the Support Team.
Update License
After opening the Octopai Client for the first time, or after a Version Upgrade, a window to install the license will pops-up.
Click on the "Click to select the license file" browse to the place where the ".lic" file is allocated and click on Open to install the license.
Application Folders
The Octopai application folders play a crucial role in managing metadata extraction processes and ensuring the quality and integrity of metadata. By providing a structured storage environment, these folders enable users to verify metadata accuracy and address any potential issues.
Target Files: The Target Files folder serves as a repository for the zip files uploaded to Octopai.
Temp Files: During the metadata extraction process, Octopai creates temporary files to facilitate data processing and transformation.
Log Files: Octopai generates log files during the metadata extraction process to capture valuable information about the extraction activities.
Bat Files: To automate the metadata extraction process, Octopai provides bat (batch) files that can be used in conjunction with Microsoft Task Scheduler. (instructions)
Info & Settings
Settings tab will define if the extractions will be automatically uploaded to the Octopai's Cloud or should be done manually.
Auto Upload ON, enables the extractions to be automatically transferred to Octopai’s Cloud.
Auto Upload OFF if you want to review the files before they are being transferred to Octopai’s Cloud
Information Tab will describe the Octopai Client Version installed and the list of tools in the purchased license
List of Connectors
When you succeed in creating a new connector, it will be shown on the Metadata Sources list or List of Connectors.
The new source set will get a Connector Number, a common denomination between you and Octopai support.
Tools List
All the tools purchased to create connectors to extract metadata are displayed in the main pane.
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